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Currently Enrolling Studies

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Key Fields of Inquiry with Scope for Inclusion


A nurse taking care of ole patient
Mother and Daughter
Baby Stethoscope

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease poses a significant challenge, particularly as it disproportionately affects minority populations. Studies indicate that Black individuals are twice as likely as Whites to develop Alzheimer’s. Despite this alarming disparity, these groups are severely underrepresented in clinical trials, which hampers efforts to develop effective treatments that cater to diverse populations. By fostering trust and inclusivity, we can ensure that clinical trials reflect the populations most impacted by Alzheimer's, ultimately leading to improved care and outcomes for all individuals affected by this devastating disease.


Dermatology research plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding and treatment of skin conditions, with a growing focus on how these disorders affect diverse populations differently.

 Clinical trials in dermatology are increasingly emphasizing the importance of including diverse participant groups to ensure that new treatments and diagnostic methods are effective across all skin types and ethnicities. This research is essential for developing targeted therapies and improving dermatological care for minority populations, who have historically been underrepresented in clinical studies. 

Asthma, Allergy, & Immunology

Commonly used, life-saving asthma medications have recently been found to be less effective in certain ethnic and racial groups. It is critical that current and future asthma therapeutics be studied in patients with diverse racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds to ensure that treatments are effective for all populations. Therefore, increasing diversity in clinical trials is essential to ensure that asthma medications are effective for everyone, regardless of their racial or ethnic background.

Tackling Health Challenges Together

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